16 Januari 2002. January 16 2002 was a Wednesday Zodiac Sign for this date is Capricorn This date was 7280 days ago January 16th 2022 is on a Sunday Someone born on this date is 19 years old If you were born on this date You’ve slept for 2427 days or 6 years! Your next birthday is 25 days away You’ve been alive for 174720 hours You were born on a Wednesday in mid.

January 16 This is the latest accepted revision reviewed on 26 January 2022 For the play by Ayn Rand see Night of January 16th January 16 is the 16th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar 349 days remain until the end of the year (350 in leap years ).
Birthday 16.01.2002 / 16 january 2002 year. Astrology. The
16 January 2002 Il Messaggero San Martino sulla Marrucina Emigrant’s daughter Penny Marshall is “Happy Days” director / E’ di San Martino la regista di ”Happy Days” by Dom Serafini Giuseppe Masciarelli the grandfather of Penny Marshall director of “Awakenings” and “Happy Days” left 90 years ago Abruzzo to settle in New York and Penny grew up in the Bronx.
"L'invité" Episode dated 16 January 2002 (TV IMDb
Wednesday 16 January 2002 Psalm 41 [42] Liturgy of Lauds for Monday of the second week The thirsting deer longs for streams of living water A deer with a parched throat cries out its lament in an arid desert longing for the fresh waters of a flowing stream Psalm 41 [42] that has just been sung opens with this famous image.
16 January 2002: Top 25 Facts You Need To Know
January 16 2002 was the 16th Thursday of that year It was also the 16th day and 1st month of 2002 in the Georgian calendar The next time you can reuse 2002 calendar will be in 2030 Both calendars will be exactly the same There are left before your next birthday Your 20th birthday will be on a Thursday and a birthday after that will be on a Monday.
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January 16, 2002 Lunar calendar, Moon Phase AstroSeek.com
January 16, 2002, Wednesday, What happened on …
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Waxing Crescent is the lunar phase on 16 January 2002 Wednesday Seen from Earth illuminated fraction of the Moon surface is 8% and growing larger The 3 days young Moon is in ♒ Aquarius Previous date | Moon Today | Next date.